
Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

cara aktivasi crack avast pro

Cara Install dan Aktivasi :

    * Install Antivirus Pro ( aktifkan pada trial mode, lalu lakukan restart PC ).

    * Untuk melakukan crack, aktifkan PC dengan menggunakan Safe Mode ( Tekan F8 terus pada saat windows muncul ) dan koneksi ke internet dimatikan dahulu.

    * Setelah masuk Safe Mode, buka avast, masuk ke Setting - Troubleshooting - Hilangkan Centang "Enable avast! self-defense module".

    * Kemudian masuk ke Task Manager dengan cara Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Hentikan proses avastsvc.exe and avastui.exe.

    * Copy crack "ashBase.dll " ( file nya ada di folder Key Avast! Pro yang sudah anda download ) ke C:\Program Files\Avast.

    * Restart PC, dan lakukan "Insert Key" yang sudah ada. Dan selamat menikmati.

Ninja Saga Special Jounin Class Skill List

Ninja Saga Special Jounin Class Skill List :
# Intelligence Division: Melihat HP / CP target, dan 4 Jurus target.
# Surprise Attack Division: Abaikan Status posisi target. Langsung menyerang 1 target, kerusakan dihitung berdasarkan 700x sisa HP target. Makin tinggi sisa HP target, kerusakan yang diakibatkan akan lebih tinggi.
# Sensor Divisi: Hapus semua status negatif, dapat digunakan bahkan di stun atau restriction atau chaos, dll
# Heavy Attack Division: Kumpulkan bola Chakra pada tiap giliran, melakukan serangan kerusakan 150% setelah berhasil mengumpulkan 7 bola secara total
# Medical Division: Heal 1000 HP untuk team anda

info skill special jounin

Ninja Saga Special Jounin Class Skill List

1)Intelligence Class Jutsu :

Scout target's HP/CP, and any 4 Jutsu of targets

Additional Effect(s) :

Reveals the current and total HP and CP of all enemies. This effect is passive but the effect only works by lapping the mouse over the icon

Obtaining this skill :

This skill used during Stage 1-2: Unpredicted Attack of the Special Jounin Campaign while battling against Genan and the puppets of Shin and Ryu.

2)Heavy Attack Class Jutsu :

Collect a Chakra ball in each turn, perform 150% damage attack after successfully collect 7 balls in total.

Additional Effect(s) :

This skill is initially in cooldown for 7 turns. Increases the attack damage for the caster's next attack by 50%

Obtaining this skill :

This skill can only be used during Stage 4-2: Swords vs Ninjutsu of the Special Jounin Campaign while battling against Kuken.

3)Sensor Class Jutsu :

Remove all the negative status, it can be used even in stun or restriction or chaos, etc.

Additional Effect(s) :

Casts Debuff Clear on the user: Removes all debuffs from the target immediately.

Obtaining this skill :

This skill can only be used during Stage 3-2: Call For Backup of the Special Jounin Campaign while battling against Butterfly Sage.

4)Surprise Attack Class Jutsu :

Directly attack a single target, damage is determined by 700 x target's remained HP. The higher HP target remains, the higher damage it is.

Additional Effect(s) :

The damage inflicted to a target is determined by 700 x target's remained HP. The higher HP target remains, the higher damage is.

Obtaining this skill :

This skill can only be used during Stage 2-2: Defense! Defense! of the Special Jounin Campaign while battling against Akazosu.

5)Medical Class Jutsu :

Heal you and your teammates during a battle.

Additional Effect(s) :

Increase 1000 HP to your team.

Obtaining this skill :

This skill used during Stage 5-2 while Fighting Ninja Panda.