
Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Ninja Exam Pockie Ninja II Social

About Ninja Exam Pockie Ninja2 Social : % ^* w) N2 j/ ?, e$ S
Within limited movements, click glittering grid to move and try to reach the destination on the bottom right! The reward you receive is based your your score!! [) r8 ^* `4 s" [5 J& `2 N( }
Review Ninja Exam PN2S

Steps: Move——Encounter various events——Get your score——Receive rewards

1). Level requirement: Available at lv.30
2). Ninja Exam is playable in 10 different difficulty levels. To challenge higher levels, you must complete low levels first. You can choose to challenge any difficulty level by yourself.
3). You can challenge for free once a day and pay to challenge one more timePockie Ninja II Social+ z& \! d7 N( f' _% o8 c: X
4). The game starts at the entry of forest, grids that you can move to will be shown with a halo. You'll be able to see remaining steps, scores and other stats on the interface.
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5). During the game, you'll encounter various events which give you different scores:   t; K' ^) `' C8 I* A+ @6 K' o) n
        Steps+1: Score=5
        Steps+2: Score=5
        Wire Net(cannot move): Score=5
        Battle once: Score=5+Difficulty level , h' I# Q  W* U% G* I! D
        Reach destination: Score=50 9 ]2 C9 }: o: j4 b1 s7 t5 ^+ J
        Reach certain scores will give you awesome rewards which can be accumulated! Pockie Ninja II Social; ~6 X( y9 v  f
6). During the rescue, you can use ninja secret technique: 
Tengan   ——>  Reveal the event of any grid
Break    ——>  Ignore battle and hurdle and go to the adjacent grid directly
Mobility ——>  Steps+1

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1 komentar:

irli mengatakan... reply

ninja exsam tu di bagian mana gan?

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