This time i want share about how to cheat "Unlock all Card" in game Yugioh! Joey The Passion...
- Download first unlockernya. please download here.
- Find a place where we store the export file (format. YDC). If you do not know where, you try to play first game yugi -> deck construction -> select Export, save the file name up to you. Find a location for the file. YDC it.
- Install unlocker all cards had been to the location where the file. YDC was saved.
- Have fun :)
Mirror link : download here
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Versi Indonesia :
- Download dulu unlockernya. silahkan download disini.
- Cari tempat dimana kita menyimpan file export (formatnya .ydc). Jika belum tau dimana, coba anda mainkan dulu game yugi --> deck construction --> pilih export, simpan dengan nama file terserah anda. Cari lokasi file .ydc tersebut.
- Install unlocker all cards tadi ke lokasi dimana file .ydc tadi disimpan.
- Have fun :)
Mirror link : download here
32 komentar:
.thanks .... it work :)
fuck ! it's not working !!
Link is broken ...
@Anonim: sorry my web storege in 4shared is banned...i will fix it fast...
just wait with new update ^^
Okey i'm already fix the link ..... now you can download again
-happy gaming ^^-
Sankyu gan.. extract ke folder yg ada format ydc.. lalu installernya di "run as administrator"
@Anonim: sama-sama :)
happy gaming ^^
Gan, koq tidak bisa ya? sy pake Win 7, apa ada tutorial yang lebih dtil dan lengkap? tahap2annya sdh sy coba, n belum berhasil sama sekai... tks
Thanks gan!.. It's work 100% Complete hehehe
It worked ! Thx alot bro
lokasi file eksportnya dimana gan?
sial kartu gw hilang jadinya gan -_-
makasih gan
arigatou gozaimasu,, it's mke me laugh loudly.. :D
waktu install kenapa gak bisa gan?
Good Job Man ,, it's WORK :D
@imron jak: jadi kok boss ,,
instal aja ,, ato di extrak dlu foldernya
jancok gak kenek
wuss keren ini cheatnya.. anaknya habibie yang buat (Y) 100%WORK
gak bisa terinstal gan, gimana nih?
gan koq gk bsa??? aku udah install complete tpi ko kartunya ga ubah" ?
gwe gak ngarti sya plih export tp ngk ad ap-apnya hrus d gmana'in itu
Makasih gan work nih :D
gak bisa....... hooooooo
Danny Lamtoro
Mantap nih bro tapi kurang greget kalo ngecheat
wah thanks gan ane ngincer kartu exodia!! sekali lagi makasih gan :)
apa gak bisa di windows 7? kok gagal terus padahal udh di 'run as administrator'
passwordnya apa gan?
gimana cara dwonload nya bang ?
password nya apa goblok asli
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